Three main lines for research in eco-design

The principal advantage of the Chair is that its partners are complementary. The approach will be systemic and cross-disciplinary and the results will be applied to real projects at VINCI.

Assess the environmental quality of buildings and urban districts (eco-districts, renovation)

Eco-design principles and life cycle analysis have already been applied in many countries at the building level, and to infrastructure. The scope will be extended to whole districts, by linking construction to the town planning system of which it is a part. This approach will be developed both for new construction projects and for renovation projects, which are a major area for development throughout much of Europe.

Life cycle analysis of transport infrastructures and its impacts

In transport, three major elements influence environmental performance: construction materials and methods; the quality of their integration in the natural environment (biodiversity in particular); and operation, which specifically affects the energy consumption of vehicles and pollution of the environment. The Chair aims to study strategies for eco-labelling, as well as models for innovative designs which will provide greater efficiency over the life cycle of new infrastructure.

Plan buildings and transport systems to regulate their use for optimum protection of the environment

Combining the assessment of environmental aspects of both districts and transport makes it possible to set out requirements for more efficient “habitat-transport” systems thereby enhancing protection of the environment. By producing knowledge and action methods to optimise use of buildings and transport systems, the Chair will be tackling a major challenge for local authorities as well as members of the public who will use these facilities.