
Occupants’ behaviors: from deterministic to stochastic representations

3rd University of the Chair in Eco-design on November 13 & 14, 2014 : Eco-design and User Behaviour

Predicting household energy conservation behaviour is complex : an occupant may respond differently, on different occasions, even when the underlying stimuli are the same. Darren Robinson presents behavioural models that embrace this randomness.

The role of resident behaviour in energy efficiency – Christophe Beslay

3rd University of the Chair in Eco-design on November 13 & 14, 2014 : Eco-design and User Behaviour

We are confronted by a paradox: our buildings are designed to be increasingly energy efficient yet real energy performance is still below target. Christophe Beslay provides a sociological perspective on the role of resident behaviour in building energy efficiency.

Modeling the choice of transportation mode – Fabien Leurent

3rd University of the Chair in Eco-design on November 13 & 14, 2014 : Eco-design and User Behaviour

Our environmental impact varies according to the mode of transportation we choose. Fabien Leurent explains how modeling this choice facilitates the design of transportation modes that are better suited to user needs and that pollute less.

Modeling behaviour in building energy efficiency simulations – Eric Vorger

3rd University of the Chair in Eco-design on November 13 & 14, 2014 : Eco-design and User Behaviour

A gap exists between real and predicted building energy consumption rates. This is due to the high variability in occupant behaviour. Eric Vorger explains how to model user behaviour in order to ensure accurate energy efficiency guarantees.

The role of urban actors for a successful integration of biodiversity in cities – Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste

3rd University of the Chair in Eco-design on November 13 & 14, 2014 : Eco-design and User Behaviour

City-dwellers can play an important part in the improvement of urban biodiversity. But accessing natural spaces has become more difficult, which in turn has weakened the necessary connection between people and the environment. Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste explains how a better integration of ecosystems in our cities can help renew the link between city residents and nature.

Innovations in building and neighbourhood life cycle assessments – Charlotte Roux

May 22 2014 Conference: How do we measure the environmental performance of a neighbourhood?

The way we build and renovate our neighborhoods can play a key role in improving our environmental wellbeing, both locally and globally. Charlotte Roux introduces a design tool that helps assess the environmental impact of an urban project across its entire life-span.

Eco-designing road maintenance: context, issues, and prospects – Anne de Bortoli

May 22 2014 Conference: How do we measure the environmental performance of a neighbourhood?

Road transportation today remains the dominant means of travel. It also contributes significantly to climate change. Anne de Bortoli explains how eco-designing road maintenance helps lower this impact.

Biodi(v)strict: better evaluating biodiversity in urban projects – Sandra Clermont

May 22 2014 Conference: How do we measure the environmental performance of a neighbourhood?

Healthy ecosystems provide invaluable services to society. Sandra Clermont explains how a simple design tool can drastically increase the space dedicated to natural habitats within an urban project, and thus the quantity and quality of biodiversity present on site.

ParkCap : FIghting urban congestion through optimized parking availability – Houda Boujnah

September 9th, 2014 Conference at the Eurovia research center in Mérignac :
How de we reconcile mobility and the environment ?

Drivers searching for a place to park contribute significantly to urban congestion. Houda Boujnah explains how to eco-design parking availability to optmize urban traffic.

District-level mobility – Natalia Kotelnikova-Weiler

September 9th, 2014 Conference at the Eurovia research center in Mérignac :
How de we reconcile mobility and the environment ?

Optimizing transportation within a neighbourhood improves the wellbeing of its inhabitants and the environment. Natalia Kotelnikova-Weiler presents models and data that are currently used to simulate travel speed and time for different trips, as well as the Chair’s current projects related to this question.